Are You Prepared To Be A Caregiver
“In a second, the unexpected can happen: a heart attack, a stroke, a serious car accident, or a terminal disease diagnosis. Life changes in an instant.”
That’s how Patrick Palmer begins his book Are You Prepared To Be A Caregiver? At a point where everything seems to be falling apart, it’s normal to try to take back control any way you can. However, deciding to be a caregiver lightly shouldn’t be one of them. Patrick’s book gives an insight into what goes into being a caregiver that most suggested reading for caregivers will not give you.
You Need to Prepare Yourself in Every Way
“…preparedness for whatever may happen to you and/or your family, preparing for the unexpected when all are healthy will allow you more freedom to care for your loved one.”
The job of a caregiver is mentally, emotionally, and physically draining. Imagine having to wait for your loved one who’s already going through a tough time. The emotions are running high, and sometimes it feels like you can’t do anything about it. However, that is not the case. You can prepare yourself emotionally, physically, and mentally, but even the must-read books for caregivers won’t talk about: financially.
Patrick Palmer explains it well in his book when he says:
“The cost of caregiving can be overwhelming, and depending on a family’s economic situation and the nature of the illness, it could be financially devastating to your retirement nest egg if not well prepared.”
There Are Some Things You Should Always Be Prepared For
When you ask yourself how do I prepare to be a caregiver, don’t just think about the emotional aspects. As Patrick puts it, you need to have the hard conversations about finances, the caregiving situation, and what to do after. When your loved one passes away, it will be difficult because you can’t think about anything but your pain. So, when you prepare yourself, do it in every way. Since life can change in an instant, do it regardless, which is why Patrick writes:
“If you are in a caregiving situation or not, updating and/or creating your wills are paramount in your personal estate planning process.”

Are You Prepared to Be a Caregiver?
“When you become a caregiver, the most important thing that you need to know is that you need to be physically, mentally, and emotionally fit to do the job.”
Caregiving is not easy; it’s not something everyone can do. When your loved one gets their diagnosis, the first feeling might be disbelief or even anger, but one that prevails is the desire to change their fate. Instead of making a rash decision think about your options, and if it’s something you want to do, use the resources at your disposal. Truly ask yourself, “how do I prepare to be a caregiver?”
Do Right By Your Loved Ones Around You
You can feel one of two ways. You could be determined to do everything right to the best of your ability, or you could go numb. But what you need to remember here is that if you have other loved ones around you, they feel just as many emotions. Patrick recounts the time when he told his children about his wife’s diagnosis and how they felt.
“The emotional responses were those of numbness, disbelief, and devastation.”
The emotions were varied but set how they would participate in his wife’s remaining time. How you speak to them can lay the foundation for their participation in the caregiving process. Take all their emotions into account and decide a future path together.
A True Look Into What Caregiving Is
Patrick Palmer practically gives the guide to hands-on caregiving in his work, but first, he makes the reader think whether caregiving is something they can handle or not. No one goes about their life thinking how one day they’re having fun living life to the fullest, and soon it will change. They’ll have to be in a position to physically and emotionally care for their loved ones so they can function. “When life is good, there are many things that we all take for granted.” What Patrick says could not be truer, but when we take these things for granted, we also don’t prepare ourselves for what can be.

Patrick Palmer makes a place for himself among the caregiving book authors with his work. His book Are You Prepared To Be A Caregiver tells it as it is and maps a way for those that unfortunately need to experience caregiving for their loved ones. Detailed with raw emotions with beautifully crafted words, this book is a valuable resource for those looking for caregiver books to read.
“Everyone needs to take care of themselves while taking care of others.”
That is the question, isn’t it? Can you take care of yourself? Are you taking care of someone else? And with this book, you help answer it for yourself.