3 Great Books That Can Help Cancer Caregivers

When I tell people who are cancer caregivers or healing from the trauma of loss to read books for help and healing, they look at me with a confused expression.

Some tell me it is futile, and they are just not in the mood to pick up a book. Others argue that they don’t have time for that as active caregivers. They have so much to do—so much research and so many chores. 

But then I tell them my story and how my journey as a cancer caregiver began and ended, and they begin to understand.

Books are important for you if you are a caregiver, and here is why you too should read these 3 books for caregivers I wrote to help caregivers in their journeys.  

Reading Is Important -Make Time For It 

Whether it’s a fiction book or a self-help book, the proper book may inspire you to never give up and remain positive. Reading may move you to another universe and away from your mundane daily routine. And it will help you understand your own role and even your own emotions.

Plus, reading has been shown to reduce stress, heart rate, and blood pressure. 

Book 1: For The Partner

My first book ‘A Husband’s Guide To Hands-On Caregiving,’ is for people with an ill partner, particularly men whose wives were diagnosed with cancer. I share my journey and help them understand the process, and boost their morale in their difficult journey.

Reading this book has helped many husbands connect on their level. It is different when someone sits you down and tells you their journey, but it’s a whole other feeling when you read their journey in a book at your own pace.  


Book 2: For Caregivers

For so long, I’d seen my emotions as hurdles to be conquered, as if the emotions were internal conflicts with neatly resolved conclusions.

 It is only natural to feel exhausted and terrified. And also upset with the way things are going. 

Reading about other caregivers and the role of a caregiver helps. 

My second book, Are You Prepared to be a Caregiver’ is for you if you feel strongly that you are suffering the devastating experience of a new cancer diagnosis alongside someone you care about.

 Books I Recommend Must-Read Books for Caregivers

For caregivers looking for a book to help in caring for a loved one with cancer, I recommend ‘The Healing of a Caregiver.’  

I, Patrick Palmer, a caregiving and cancer research advocate, wrote these books to support caregivers of cancer patients because I can relate to their journey and the emotional challenges they face. You can get the books here and learn more about caregiving and healing on my website.

The Healing of a Caregiver by Patrick Palmer